Shock Symposium Speakers and Presentations

Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center | American Heart Association | American Stroke Association


Printable Agenda (PDF)

PLEASE NOTE:  Please do not use the presentations without permission from the speaker.

Welcome and Introductions
Michael W. Donnino, MD

Cardiac Arrest: Cutting Edge
Panel Presentations and Discussion

Moderators: Matthew Sholl, MD, MPH, FACEP and Donna Williams, RN, BSN, MS, CCRN

Controversies in ACLS Drugs: What, When, Why? (PDF)
Michael W. Donnino, MD

Targeted Temperature Management (TTM): Operationalizing the New Guidelines (PDF)
Michael Cocchi, MD

Controversies in Chest Compressions and Airway Management During CPR (PDF)
Robert Berg, MD, FAAP, FCCM, FAHA

Pulmonary Embolism - It’s a team sport: Case Presentations and Discussion (PDF)
Moderator: Maureen Chase, MD
Emergency Medicine: Christopher Kabrhel, MD, MPH
Cardiology: Samuel Goldhaber, MD
Critical Care: Barbara L. LeVarge, MD
Cardiothoracic Surgery: Louis Chu, MD
Interventional Radiologist: Jeffrey Weinstein, MD

Managing Hemorrhagic Shock - Case Presentations and Panel Discussion (PDF)
Moderators and Case Presenters: Richard Wolfe, MD and Matthew Sholl, MD, MPH, FACEP
Case #1: 55-year-old injured in the Boston bombing incident
Case #2: 63-year-old with sudden onset of massive hematemesis

Prehospital Management: Jason Cohen, DO, FACEP, FCCM
Emergency/Critical Care: Evie Marcolini, MD, FACEP, FAAEM, FCCP
Anesthesia/Critical Care: M. Dustin Boone, MD
Trauma Surgeon: Noelle Saillant, MD
Interventional Radiology: Muneeb Ahmed, MD, FSIR
Clinical Nursing: Dan Nadworny, MSN, RN

Challenging Cases in Shock Management: determining etiology and targeting treatment
Case Presentations and Discussion

Moderator: Raghu Seethala, MD, MSc

Case: 55-year-old ingested 3000 mgs of diltiazem (PDF)
Katherine Boyle, MD

Case: 78-year-old hypotensive patient in respiratory distress (PDF)
Michael W. Donnino, MD

Case: 57-year-old with undifferentiated shock – an ultrasound is performed (PDF)
Todd W. Sarge, MD

Case: 65-year-old post-cardiac arrest patient with myoclonus (PDF)
David B. Seder, MD, FCCM

Septic Shock:  Panel Presentations and Discussion
Moderator: Ari Moskowitz, MD

New Definitions—What do we follow? (PDF)
B. Taylor Thompson, MD

Optimal Resuscitation—Strategy: Do we know? What do we do? (PDF)
Evie Marcolini, MD, FACEP, FAAEM, FCCP

Emerging Science: Metabolic Resuscitation (PDF)
Katherine Berg, MD